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H2Oh!!! I didn't realize water was that important?

Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation

Your body needs water for each cell, tissue, and organ to function effectively. Especially today as our lives are changing due to COVID-19, our routines may be altered, but staying hydrated should not be an afterthought.

Staying hydrated improves your health because your body relies on water to help move junk out of the body, transport nutrients to the cells, lubricate joints, regulate body temperature and improve its overall wellness.

I just had this conversation with a new patient of ours this week. His lips were dry and he also wasn't eating very well, yet we were working really hard with him physically. I took ten to fifteen minutes to detail why it's so important to get water into his system so that all his work and recovery would be maximized. Without the water, the work is not as effective.

Why Staying Hydrated Is So Important

There is a standard recommended amount of water to be taken in a day but the truth is, the amount of water each person needs in a day differs depending on different factors. The recommended 6-8 glasses of water might not be enough for someone who is mostly physically active, especially athletes. This is because an athlete loses more water through sweating hence they will need to take more water to stay hydrated.

Drinking water can also reduce the body's response to stress. Hydration makes your body better equipped to deal with stress, both mental and physical. Don't we all need that right now??

Signs of Dehydration

The most common sign of dehydration is thirst. Other signs include a dry mouth, headaches, dizziness, dark colored urine, muscle cramps, and exhaustion. However, this does not mean that you should wait for a sign for you to drink more water.

The best way to stay hydrated is by drinking adequate amounts of water. Other drinks might quench your thirst but they might end up adding more calories and sugar to your body. If you do not like to drink water, try adding a slice of lemon to give it taste. To help stay hydrated, carry a bottle of water with you and sip on it throughout the day or keep a bottle at your desk. There are also several smart phone apps that can assist in reminding you to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Take charge of your health and stay hydrated. It is important that we maintain hydration especially as our lives change. Changes in your life due to COVID-19, like working form home and increased stress, can make us forget some essentials. For more ways of getting and staying healthy, especially those that help your body in the ways that physical therapy can, contact Achieva Rehabilitation.



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