Movement Disorder Physical Therapy | Achieva Rehabilitation In-Home Physical Therapy
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How to Ease Back Pain Naturally So You Can Find Life's Joy Again

– A great success story from a former Achieva Rehab client with severe spinal stenosis
“I have participated at other physical therapy facilities using the fancy machines. Achieva Rehab is different. They use what you have in your home so that you can function in your everyday life. You will not find anyone with more knowledge, compassion, or perseverance to have their patient achieve their goals than Achieva Rehab.”

Are You Looking For Help With Movement Disorders
such as Parkinson's Disease or Multiple Sclerosis? 

Joel Digris Owner of Achieva Rehabilitation In-Home Physical Therapy Program

A Message from Joel J. Digris, Leading Movement Disorder Physical Therapist About Dealing With Movement Disorders:


If you have Parkinson’s Disease or MS or another Movement Disorder, you may be feeling that your muscles are not listening.  You may be feeling that everything is harder in your life.  You may be like others who believe that there is nothing you can do to stop it from getting worse.  Or...your internal voice is saying that you’ve got time and you just need to see how things go.   


But now it seems that things are getting worse and you are worried. 


If this is happening to you, you're not alone - we hear this type of thing all the time. In fact helping people with the challenges of Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis is a big part of our In-Home Physical Therapy Program at Achieva Rehabilitation.  You are all probably wondering the same thing:



“Why Am I Struggling to Walk?”


“Why Are My Problems Happening More Often? 

Nothing I’ve Tried Has Worked.”


Many people just like you hope that their Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis symptoms won’t get worse and just wait and see how things go.  Six months later, your walking, strength, balance are all just a little worse.  It's not an easy thing to face and the uncertainty of it all is very hard to deal with daily...we know.



Does That Sound Like You?


Some people have decided to do something about it so they see their family doctor who begins the process of mixing up cocktails of medications. These meds are often quite necessary, but, it is just part of what your body needs.


A lot of times, they end up going back to the doctor again and their problems have gotten worse.  This time, they're told by their doctor to see a specialist whose advice is to schedule further testing such as MRI.  Exercise is rarely talked about early on after diagnosis despite the fact that studies show that it is vital for those with Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and other Movement Disorders.



Has This Happened To You?


Where do Movement Disorders come from? It's easy to get confused because you've been told so many different things by different people. There are lots of people out there who are happy to give you advice, but not all of the things you hear are reliable. 


Who really knows what they are talking about when it comes to managing Movement Disorders from a functional standpoint?  That is, who can help you move better?  Your doctor will likely focus on the medical management making sure you are healthy.  But, your body needs a movement specialist. 


The nervous system is very complex and the presentation of Parkinson’s Disease or MS can be very confusing. Because of that many people end up accepting that it is progressive and the symptoms are just part of the process.  



Do You Feel That Way Too?


If any of these things have happened to you, we would love to help you by inviting you to schedule a Call Consultation with one of our expert physical therapists.



In The Meantime, You May Be Wondering:




“What Can I Do Today To Give Myself A Chance To Live My Best Life WITH Parkinson's or MS?"



Well, here's 4 things you can do:


1. First, deciding to get help is a great start. So many people put off getting help right away.  Mostly because they are so overwhelmed by all the puzzle pieces of understanding your new diagnosis.  We can help discuss all of those factors. 


2. Avoid Inactivity.  Safely perform your daily activities resting if needed.  Resting can snowball into inactivity.  At a bare minimum if you are still able, stand up and sit down as many times as you can several times per day and try to take a walk every hour if your balance is still decent.


3. Get real, Specialized Physical Therapy - Specialized Physical Therapy is proven to help people with Parkinson’s Disease and MS. In fact, it’s a very common problem that we treat with our In-Home Physical Therapy Program at Achieva Rehabilitation. 


If your symptoms impact your mobility and independence or get in the way of spending quality time with family and friends – expert PT will help you.


4. Next, do the RIGHT exercises - exercise is in fact the number one non-negotiable thing you need in your life if you have a movement disorder - specifically created for you by our expert Physical Therapist to help you feel strong and steady and confident- and make sure you get back to doing the things you love to do!



Our YouTube Channel has a great deal more of information relative to Movement Disorders.  This particular video is 25 minutes on how important exercise is for people with Parkinson's HERE to view..great content!!




If you are not ready to talk with someone, click below to instantly get our booklet with "15 Tips to a Better Life When Fighting Parkinson's Disease".  Pleas note that many of the information in the booklet will apply to ALL Movement Disorders.  Get it Now.



























So the next question is:


“How Can Choosing to See a Physical Therapist at Achieva Rehab Help You With Your Parkinson’s or MS Symptoms - In The Next Few Days?”


Here’s just a few of the things our Physical Therapy Team can do for you:


  • We can educate you on the latest research that indicates intensive guided exercise can have a great impact on Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis.


  • We can teach you that it is possible to fight tooth and nail against your disease to slow it down, so you can have peace of mind starting with the FIRST SESSION 


  • We can help take away the nervousness and concern that you might fall when you feel your symptoms getting worse and can educate you on how to manage when outside of your home.


  • We will tailor-make your program around you, your ambitions, your wants, what you truly want to get back to doing. 


  • We will help you understand your problem and we will provide you with the right advice and proper exercises that will help you get better and live better for years.


  • We can help you get back to enjoying the quality time with family and friends that Parkinson’s Disease or MS has stolen from you.


  • We can help progress your balance each step of the way. That is why this is a journey, not a quick fix. Improving your mobility and learning how to manage for the long run is very important to us.


Basically, we can help you get back to living life, less limited by Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis. 


See below how Achieva Rehabilitation Has Changed the Lives of People Just Like You...

Parkinson's Disease FREE Booklet to help people Move better, feel better and live better

“Achieva was truly top notch! I have participated at other physical therapy facilities using fancy machines. Achieva is different. They use what you have in your home, so that you can function in your everyday life. You will not find anyone with more knowledge, compassion or perseverance. “


“Achieva Rehab is great. My husband has Parkinson's. After an operation he had a hard time standing up on his own and walking correctly . His balance was off. Every issue we brought up they addressed. They came three times a week working with him. Little by little he started moving better. He started standing on his own walking better . They helped give him more confidence. At the end of his rehab he was running and jumping. It was simply amazing. They are the best. “


“My husband has Parkinson’s and we were blessed to find Achieva Rehabilitation. Joel and Jessica were absolutely amazing. I can’t begin to tell you how much my husband benefited from Achieva. These people are excellent at their jobs and it is done with care and compassion. My husband and I have had prior therapy at facilities with all of the equipment and Achieva was certainly superior to that. Please do not hesitate to call them.  You do not have to be concerned with driving or perhaps trying to find a ride to get your is all done for you. I guarantee that you will be happy with the results.


“Joel & team are (in my opinion) THE BEST therapists, they know their stuff!
They give me that little push I know I need.  They answer any questions that I have, they explain why these exercises will benefit me.  I am so thankful that my neurologist sent them to me!
They come to me!  That's the best!  Thanks guys! “


Speak With A Board Certified Specialist Today!


Are you having difficulty with balance, movement, stiffness, pain, weakness such that it stops you from enjoying time with friends and family or even just being able to do your job or move comfortably around your home?


If you answered “Yes” to any of those questions, you should call us and make an appointment to see one of our qualified Physical Therapists. We will interview you, find out your problem, lay out the customized plan for you and work with you personally one-on-one in your own home with no distractions


Call our office now at 888-929-7677 or request an appointment or consultation with this form:

(We won't share your information with ANYONE!)

Consultation Form Parkinsons
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