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How to Ease Back Pain Naturally So You Can Find Life's Joy Again

– A great success story from a former Achieva Rehab client with severe spinal stenosis
“I have participated at other physical therapy facilities using the fancy machines. Achieva Rehab is different. They use what you have in your home so that you can function in your everyday life. You will not find anyone with more knowledge, compassion, or perseverance to have their patient achieve their goals than Achieva Rehab.”


Find Out How To Naturally Get Rid of Leg
Pain Without Pills or Injections

– A great success story from a former Achieva Rehab client after Knee Surgery.
“I had TWO complete knee replacements done, which Joel Digris and team assisted me to full recovery.  While some may say he pushed me hard, I will say he directed me to successful recovery in four weeks on each knee.  Thanks to the entire team for my healthy recovery.” 

If you have knee or hip pain or stiffness or aches, you may be like others and believe it will just “go away on it’s own” or that you will have to live with it.  It’s probably just from moving too much yesterday is what your internal voice might be saying. 



But now it doesn’t seem to be “going away”



If this is happening to you, you're not alone - we hear this type of thing all the time. In fact knee and hip pain is a problem we see more and more of in our In-Home Physical Therapy Program at Achieva Rehabilitation.



Everyone like you wants to know the same things:

“Why Am I Hurting?”


“Why Is This Pain Lasting So Long?  Nothing I’ve Tried Has Worked.”


Many people just like you think that knee or hip pain will disappear without doing anything like a magician’s assistant in a large black box.  Six months later, not only is the pain still around…it’s worse!”



Does That Sound Like You?


Some people have decided to do something about it so they see their family doctor who tells them to rest, take medications and “see how it goes”.  


Unfortunately this is rarely the best advice. A lot of times, they end up going back to the doctor again because the pain hasn’t changed.  This time, they're told by their doctor to see a specialist whose advice is a shot or to have surgery. This explains why so many people are living with chronic pain.



Has This Happened To You?


Why does pain last longer than it should? It's easy to get confused because you've been told so many different things by different people. There are lots of people out there who are happy to give you advice, but not all of the things you hear are reliable.


Your knee or hip pain might have been triggered by something like lifting or bending awkwardly, but it could have been caused by other things that were never properly taken care of (e.g. poor posture, stiffness, weakness and muscle imbalance etc.) These things along with that time you lifted something awkwardly, finally caused that pain you are experiencing.


The knee and the hip are very complex and the pain can be very confusing. Because of that many people end up accepting that knee or hip pain is just part of being lucky enough to live a long life.



Do You Feel That Way Too?


If You’re Currently Living With Knee or Hip Pain, Here Are 7 Reasons Why It Could Be Lasting Longer Than It Should:



·1. You thought it would go away on its own - but it didn’t.


·2. You went to the doctor who told you to rest and take pain medications - but the pills either did NOT help, or helped only for a short period of time.  (Your body can actually get used to the pain meds and they become less effective).


·3. A friend, or family told you that they’ve gotten knee and hip pain as they get older, so you just accepted it.


·4. You tried other Healthcare Professionals, or a Physical Therapist in the past, unsuccessfully.


·5. You tried YouTube exercises but they either did nothing, or made your knee or hip pain worse.


·6. You thought it would be a good idea to rest because your pain was so bad, but all that did was make it feel even more stiff and tight.  And..your muscles weakened.


·7. You decided to get a knee brace at a local general store which did little but leave you with less money in your wallet.



If any of these things have happened to you, we would love to help you by inviting you to schedule a Call Consultation with one of our expert physical therapists. The fact that you tried any, (or all) of these things is actually a good thing because when you know what doesn't work, we will be closer to finding the thing that does.  Click HERE for our simple Consultation Form.






“What Can I Do To Get Rid Of My Knee Pain Quickly?”...


Well, here's 4 things you can do:


·â€‹1. First, deciding to accept help is a great choice. So many people put off getting help right away.  “A stitch in time saves nine.”  Right?  Six months of waiting makes it worse. 


·â€‹2. .Avoid sitting in awkward positions - the truth is, you and I were not designed to sit. When you sit and bend your knees, you’re putting your knees and hips in awkward, un-natural positions - which knees and hips aren’t built to be in for too long.


It would really help if you were given appropriate strengthening exercises for better posture, alongside hands-on treatment, to get you active and healthy as quickly as possible.


·â€‹3. Get real, “hands-on” Physical Therapy - Specialized Physical Therapy is proven to help people with knee and hip pain. In fact, it’s a very common problem that we treat with our In-Home Physical Therapy Program at Achieva Rehabilitation. 


If your knee or hip pain is affecting your job, your ability to keep active, if it threatens your mobility and independence or gets in the way of spending quality time with family and friends – expert PT will help you back on the path to joy.


·â€‹4. Next, do the RIGHT exercises - one of the best things to help you ease your knee or hip pain is to do the right series of corrective exercises - specifically created for you by our expert Physical Therapist to help reduce pain, and allow you to move freely again quick - and make sure you get back to doing the things you love to do!



If you would like to know how the Physical Therapy team at Achieva Rehabilitation can help you live with less knee or hip pain, we invite you to sign up for our FREE ebook.  If you are not ready to talk with someone, download our free ebook to start learning more right now.


























So the next question is:

“How Can Choosing to See a Physical Therapist at Achieva Rehab Help You Get Rid of Your Knee or Hip Pain - In The Next Few Days?”


Here’s just a few of the things our Physical Therapy Team can do for you:


·â€‹We can help you find out the source of your pain, which is what starts recovery.


·We can help take away the pain and stiffness.


·â€‹We can get you sleeping well again and living with more energy each day.


·We will help encourage the healing process and we will provide you with the right advice and proper exercises that will speed up your recovery.


·â€‹We can help you put an end to taking all those pills.


·We can help you avoid surgery - and painful injections.


·We can help you get back to enjoying quality time with family and friends that knee pain has stolen from you.


·We can help you to finally get a good night’s sleep without tossing and turning trying to find that one position that feels right.


·We can help you to sit more comfortably and walk longer than 15 minutes without your knee feeling weak and painful.


·We can help end the ineffective cycle of doctor visits.


Basically, we can help you get back to living life, free from chronic pain.




Knee Pain eBook
Consultation Form Knee Hip

Speak With A Board Certified Specialist Today!


Are you having difficulty with back pain, or pain shooting down into your leg such that it stops you from enjoying time with friends and family or even just being able to do your job or move comfortably around your home?


If you answered “Yes” to any of those questions, you should call us and make an appointment to see one of our qualified Physical Therapists. We will interview you, find out your problem, lay out the customized plan for you and work with you personally one-on-one in your own home with no distractions


Call our office now at 888-929-7677 or request an appointment or consultation with this form:

(We won't share your information with ANYONE!)

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