Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
6 min read
Try These Effective Exercises for Back Pain...
In this blog, we’re going to go over three easy and safe ways to help relieve lower back pain and we're going to do this by focusing on exer
Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
4 min read
Great Back Pain Exercises - How McKenzie Does It.
I’m going to teach you about something today called the McKenzie Method. - McKenzie back exercises consist of up to seven exercises and th
Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
2 min read
Interview Yourself - First Question: How Do I Know if I Need Physical Therapy?
The days of relying on others is over. The world is becoming more self serve than we've ever imagined. Restaurants have kiosks to place yo
Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
3 min read
The Basics of Achieva Rehabilitation's In-Home Physical Therapy Program...How We Do What We Do So Well!!
I hope you will take time to read this and pass it along especially to older people in your lives so that more and more people will know abo
Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
2 min read
Keep Mom Safe with The Gift of Better Balance!
Nothing is more important than the safety of our loved ones and no one person is more important than your mother! If you are fortunate enou
Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
3 min read
Your Health is Closely Connected to Your Wardrobe...Am I Right or Am I Right?
It struck me the other day how at varying points of our lives, we have different outfits that we wear for different reasons. And my...